The following system-wide enhancements have been made to ConcentrixCX to enhance the user experience. These do not require any configuration.

  • Actions Drop-Down – Moved to Collapse/Expand Workflow: The actions area in the filter panel has been updated to expand and collapse, versus the options being stored in a drop-down menu: DashboardDashboard


The following bugs have been resolved. These do not require any configuration.

Manage Coaching – Print Option Not Responding: For users who utilize the coaching feature within CX, the print option at step three was not working properly. This has been fixed, and the print option has resumed working as it should.

ISD Modal – Unable to Download: In all areas of the CX application where the ISD modal was available, if users attempted to download the record upon reviewing, they were unable to do so. This has been fixed, and the download behavior for the ISD modal has returned to a working state.

Quick-Date Filters – Incorrect Time Period Showing: For some projects that had a Quarter-To-Date filter as an option in the quick date section of the filter panel, when QTD was selected, the filter hint was showing MTD data instead of QTD data. This has been resolved, and the display will show the proper selection made by users.

Closed Loop Reassignment – E-Mails Not Going Out: For users who utilize the closed loop reassignment process, if a case was reassigned and the user selected to e-mail the person who was reassigned the case, the e-mail was not going out to the user. This has been fixed and will function as expected now.