The following bugs have been resolved. These do not require any configuration.

  • Sharing Dashboard by E-Mail – E-Mail is Sent Multiple Times: When users would share a dashboard via e-mail within the Dashboard Builder feature, there were instances where the e-mail would go out twice. This has been fixed, and the e-mail will only go out once with the dashboard attached as a PDF.
  • Text Analytics View – Audio Not Playing: For clients with media or audio clips, the clips would not play within the Text Analytics modal after drilling down to the verbatim level of the view. This has been addressed, and all media clips/files will play properly in this particular modal.
  • Filter Drawer Favorites Not Applied Properly: For some users and projects, when a filter was saved as a favorite that contained elements from the filter drawer that included an apostrophe, those elements would not consistently show or be applied when that favorite filter was selected after it was saved. This has now been corrected, and all favorites saved moving forward will save all elements properly that were selected and applied by the user.
  • Coaching History Modal – Share Via E-Mail: For projects that utilize the Coaching feature, users were unable to send a coaching card via e-mail within the Coaching History modal, as the e-mail would fail and not be sent. This has been resolved, and all coaching cards sent via e-mail will resume going out to the designated party or parties.
  • Periodic Issues with Audio Playing: For some users, when they would attempt to play an audio or video clip on a project that had that available as an option, they would receive a message within the audio modal of “No Audio Available.” This has been fixed, and audio playback has resumed operating as it should across all projects.