The following system-wide enhancements have been made to ConcentrixCX to enhance the user experience. These do not require any configuration.
Dashboard Builder – Ability to Configure Y-Axis Min/Max Values: Within the dashboard builder feature, for the grouped bar/line & vertical bar chart types, users can now configure the minimum and maximum values on the y-axis to show when building a chart. Users can also define the increment amount between the min and max points of the y-axis.

The business value for this enhancement will allow users to see differences in scores or KPIs with more precision – an example of this is below. The same chart & calculation was used – the top chart had configuration for the min/max values on the y-axis, and the bottom chart used the default values.

Dashboard Builder – Bold Legend & Axis Values: For the grouped bar/line & vertical bar chart types in dashboard builder, the text/values displayed by the y- and x-axes has been bolded, allowing users to see those values more clearly on screen.

Enhanced Project View – Bold Column Headers: For customers who have access to multiple projects within ConcentrixCX, when you land on the “enhanced project view” area of the platform, the column headers for all metrics listed for all programs have been bolded, allowing users to see that text more clearly on screen.

Kudos & Notices – Sender E-Mail Included: For customers who have access to the Kudos & Notices feature within CX, when a user initiates the e-mail for one of those types of notifications, it will include that user’s e-mail address in the body of the e-mail that goes out to the recipient.

The following bugs have been resolved. These do not require any configuration.
- Comments View – Categories Not Appending Properly: Within the comments view, if users selected primary or secondary categories to append to the comment, it would not populate the columns with that data. This has been fixed, and all category append selections will render properly in the view now, if selected.
- ISD View & Modal – Audio Not Playing: For clients with media or audio clips, the clips would not play within the Individual Survey Details view or modal. This has been addressed, and all media clips/files will play properly across all views & modals within CX, where they appear.
- Filter Drawer Favorites Not Saving Properly: For some users and projects, when a filter was saved as a favorite that contained elements from the filter drawer, those elements would not consistently save within the favorite filter. This has now been corrected, and all favorites saved moving forward will save all elements properly that were selected and applied by the user.
- Dashboard Builder – Charts Not Rendering: Users reported sporadic issues where certain calculation & chart combinations were causing widgets to not render properly in Dashboard Builder. We have updated the logic within Dashboard Builder, and moving forward each chart type will exclude calculations that cannot render properly based on the criteria entered by the user (chart type, question, etc. to show).
- Platform Performance – Periodic Logout & Freezing Issues: Users have reported being logged out of the platform inadvertently and/or “freezing” of application and the only way to address this was to log out and log back in (but never being prompted to do so due to inactivity). This issue stemmed from a session token that automatically expired after one hour, resulting in the user needing to re-authenticate by logging out and logging back in. We have extended this session token to be longer, and this should greatly minimize the issues encountered by users described above.