The following system-wide enhancements have been made to ConcentrixCX to enhance the user experience. These do not require any configuration.

Dashboard Builder – Additional Filters Available in Widget Filtering: For users with access to the Dashboard Builder feature, there are now additional options to pick from when setting up filtering for a given widget or chart. For any pre-set filter in the filter drawer of a project, these will now appear in the widget toolbox as options to filter widgets or charts by. Dashboard Dashboard

The same workflow will apply in the widget toolbox when using these filters, as it does when using them in the filter drawer. Meaning, if you start at the top and work down/pick options, it will “filter down” each subsequent item i.e. if LOB of Purchasing is selected, only locations that have that LOB will appear in the drop-down for the Location attribute.

When filters are applied, the filter icon will update to display the chosen filters that are applied for that widget or chart. Dashboard

Please note that when a filter is applied to a widget from this new area, any filter applied from the filter drawer above will be ignored by the widget. Any and all filters applied at the widget level will override any filters users may apply from the filter drawer at the top of the dashboard.

Grid Views – Update to Header Display: For all views that utilize a “grid” to display data, if you hover over a column header that is too long to display in the default width (and has an ellipse), it will now display a tool tip that will show the full text of the column header. Dashboard

Metrics View – Include % Sign When Copy/Paste: The workflow in Metrics Views that allows users to highlight and copy/paste data directly into Excel will now include the percentage sign when present in the view (thus allowing Excel to automatically recognize that the value is a percentage when it is pasted into a worksheet).

Dashboard Builder – Increase Font Size: For the grouped bar/line chart option within the custom widget workflow in dashboard builder, if a user turns on the “Display Values Automatically” option, the size of the values displayed has been increased so that they can be viewed more clearly & easily within a dashboard.


The following bugs have been resolved. These do not require any configuration.

  • Text Analytics Views – Date Display in Modal: For clients utilizing a different date other than survey date to display in the text analytic verbatim modal, this can now be configured to display the necessary date applicable to the customer or user.
  • Comments View – Display L1 Categories: For some clients who have text analytics (sentiment, categories) applied to their verbatims, the display L1 category option in the comments view was not always showing the L1 categories along with the sentiment. This has now been corrected with an additional layer of configuration, and once the views are updated with this configuration layer, all categories should display as expected if a user chooses that option.
  • Filter Drawer Selections not Holding: For some projects, if users selected a filter option from the filter drawer, this option would not “stick” or “hold” when navigating from view-to-view in the project. This has been fixed, and any filter selection or application should now remain present when navigating throughout a project, until the user decides to clear it out.